Board :Rogues
Author :Rogue Tutor Quav
Subject :Backflow Formula (Updated 3/25/2020)
Date :11/19
Greetings Rogues,

So you want to know how much your Backflow is working for you? Well, with some math and a bit of application you can create your very own backflow calculator. This will help you determine what stat ratio works best for you and your current situation.

Keep in mind, there are a lot of variables to consider and this is a math intensive post. However, you will be able to accurately predict how much backflow you're receiving from your overkill damage.

1. Knowing Monster Health
2. Knowing Monster AC

Most monsters have -76 AC, health is varied. Keep that in mind when using this calculator. In a hunting situation monsters will likely have -26 AC (with Scourge applied) and -14 AC (with Scourge and Sa Dishearten applied)

The formula is as follows:


Player Vita (PV)
Player Mana (PM)
Monster Vita (MV)
Monster Armor Class (AC)
Sleep Trap (1.3)

<b>Desperate Attack Backflow

Vita Cost of DA (VCDA)  = PV / 2
Mana Cost of DA (MCDA) = MV * 0

DA Damage Output (DADO) = PV + PM
Effective Monster Health (EMH) = MV / ((100+AC)/100)))
Player Vita to Total Damage Ratio (PVTDR) = PV/(DADO)

Vitality after DA = VCDA + ((((((DADO * 1.3) - EMH) - 1) * PVTDR) / 1.3) -1)

Mana after DA = MCDA + (((((DADO * 1.3) - EMH) -1 * (PVTDR)) / 1.3) - 61)

<b>Lethal Strike Backflow

Vita Cost of LS (VCLS)  = PV / 2
Mana Cost of LS (MCLS) = 1,000

LS Damage Output (LSDO) = ((PV * .5) + (PM * 2.5))
Effective Monster Health (EMH) = MV / ((100+AC)/100)))
Player Vita to Total Damage Ratio (PVTDR) = PV/(LSDO)

Vitality after LS = VCLS + ((((((LSDO * 1.3) - EMH) - 1) * PVTDR) / 1.3) -1)

Mana after LS = Mana - MCLS

Credit to Sarphendon for assisting with the numerous tests and development of this calculator. This was a labor of joy and many hours were spent to develop a working formula.

- Quav